I voted for Biden in 2020.
On November 5th… I’m voting for Trump.
Here is why:
First off, my personal views on politics are as unbiased as you will find. I truly don’t care about Trump or Harris. I don’t care about Republicans or Democrats. I care about the country and our way of life. Now…
4 years ago Biden ran on uniting the country. I thought politics aside, he might actually want to try uniting us a bit before he left this Earth. I was wrong. Instead, he’s been just as divisive as Trump ever was (or the media made Trump appear).
Biden’s foreign policy, led by Antony Blinken, has been nothing short of an absolute disaster. Major conflicts in every corner of the globe, a new crisis every few months, and our relationship with almost every other world power has gotten worse.
As time went on, Biden also became more and more mentally unfit. This was obvious to anyone who has ever seen the same happen in a parent or grandparent. Meanwhile, the Democrats and their media partners tried to tell us that Biden was “sharp as a tack behind closed doors” and what we were seeing were just “cheapfakes”. Kamala Harris was obviously a large part of this scandal.
It was still the party line just 3 months ago.
Followers of mine know how often I talk about the border and illegal immigration. I truly think it’s the worst national crisis since the GFC in 2008. I began to notice and call out what was happening almost immediately in 2021, before it even became a national media topic. As someone who voted for the Biden/Harris administration, it was infuriating to watch.
During their very first days in office, they used dozens of Executive Orders to remove Trump’s immigration policies. They replaced them with nothing. They by all definitions opened our nation’s border while also using rhetoric, messaging and incentives that invited millions of people to come.
For 3.5 years they allowed ~15 million unvetted illegal immigrants, mostly men, to literally walk into our country. Not only did they do this, but the entire time they tried to gaslight Americans that it wasn’t happening. Biden, Harris and Mayorkas all went on a press tour repeating the same insane, blatant lie… “the border is secure!”.
“How is the border secure if millions of people are literally just walking across it and entering the country every year?”
They somehow never had to answer that question.
Once this national crisis became too big to pretend it wasn’t happening, with both red and blue states outraged, they dug themselves in even deeper. They falsely proclaimed that there was simply nothing they could do without Congress and a new bill.
This was another disgusting and blatant lie, as they opened the border via Executive Order without Congress. Trump also never got a new immigration bill from Congress when he was in office. The actions he took were with the vast powers provided to the Executive. The same ones that Biden/Harris were pretending they didn’t have. This lie was of course exposed when Biden finally took Executive Action just a few months ago under the pressure of the coming election.
My Democrat friends often speak about the “bipartisan border bill” that Trump killed. First, the bill didn’t actually stop illegal immigration… it made it legal. It allowed ~1.8 million illegal border crossings per year before the border would be shut down. Second, why did they propose this bill in 2024? Why did Biden finally use his Executive Power in 2024? Why not 2021, or 2022 or 2023? Because they knew that Trump and the Republicans would kill the bill. They had no intention of passing it.
Sadly, that is just politics. They knew the Republicans wouldn’t help them fix their biggest self-made national disaster months before the election, so they proposed it then in a pathetic attempt to shift blame for the past 3+ years.
Biden and Harris both knew what they were doing and what was happening, and yet they lied about it for years. They allowed it to happen every day. There is zero reason to believe that Kamala Harris will fix the border. In fact, there is plenty of evidence throughout her political career, including statements just 2-3 years ago, that suggest she will be even more extreme with illegal immigration.
The President and Vice President’s first job is to protect and preserve the United States. In my view… what Biden and Harris did was literally treason.
A few years ago I was worried about the risk of our country moving too far right. That worry was ill-founded. The main risk America actually faces is moving too far left, and we are moving there quickly.
America itself, it’s founding documents, it’s ideals… are center-right. Individual liberties, law and order, capitalism, free market economy, private property rights, a modest welfare.
Looking at those values, can anyone honestly argue that we have moved to the right? From our nation’s founding? From 100 years ago? From even 10 years ago?
No. In recent years, the political pendulum has swung far left on basically all of our core values. A trend we are seeing across the West. A correction is now due. Some people may want to live in a further left country, and that is fine. You are free to live in any nation you want. But this is a center-right country. Our founding documents say so. Our job is to protect and preserve America for future generations, as the men before us did for us.
On Donald Trump himself… there is much I do not like personally. But I will remind everyone that the President is not your friend. He is not your family. They have a very limited impact on your day-to-day life.
You have local officials, school boards, county officials, state officials, a mayor, a governor, etc. That is where you must vote for your personal preferences. The people who control your communities and day-to-day life. The President is not for personal views. You may even need to vote for a President that you strongly disagree with on a personal level, if that is what’s best for the country at that time. George Washington reminded us of this in his Farewell Address.
The President sets the tone of the country from 40,000 feet. They are attempting to turn a massive cruise ship. When we swing too far left, we must correct course.
It is clear to me and many others that regardless of the specific man, we must now begin to correct our path. America is a center-right nation.
The other bonus of Trump this time around is the “team” around him. JD Vance is incredibly talented and a much better candidate/possible leader than both Harris and Tim Walz. You also get RFK Jr, who wants to focus on the health and food of our nation. Plus Elon, who wants to tackle government inefficiency and the wasteful spending of our tax dollars. Will he actually be able to cut wasteful spending and help fix the deficit? Who knows… but at least they are talking about it. These are highly intelligent people and added bonuses to an administration with very little downside.
Lastly, and maybe the most important issue in this election, is the collapse of the Democratic Party. For the past ~60 years, these were all cornerstone Democrat/liberal positions:
- Blue-collar workers
- Free speech
- Anti-war
- Anti-Big Pharma
- Skeptical of power (FBI/CIA)
However, millions of Americans are now noticing the same thing. That the Democratic Party of which their parents and grandparents signed up for has ceased to exist. You can see this shift taking place clearly in the Hispanic population, the Black population, and the working-class White population.
For the first time in 40+ years, more Americans now identify/lean Republican than Democrat. That is because of a major political realignment taking place.
In addition, I think we as a country simply can’t reward any political party for installing a presidential candidate like they did with Kamala Harris. The political party that is constantly yelling about “Democracy” chose a candidate behind closed doors with zero say from their own voters. They should be punished for this by all Americans en masse. Rewarding this tactic will only signal to our leaders that it was an effective move and it should be used again, further removing the American people from our democratic process.
They have also largely run their campaign not on fixing our top issues, but on Trump becoming a dictator and his threat to Democracy. Like most other Americans, I simply do not believe he will become a dictator at 82 years old, with every government institution and agency already attacking him. I also don’t think he wants to be one, no matter how much MSNBC says he does.
In my view, the much greater and more realistic threat to our Democracy is the rigging of Presidential primaries, installing candidates without votes, lack of law enforcement, allowing mass illegal immigration against the will of American citizens, kicking people off of ballots, censoring free speech, packing the Supreme Court, and attacking political opponents with government agencies and lawfare. All now clearly happening under the current Democratic Party to anyone even remotely unbiased.
I will be voting for Donald Trump.
I’m voting Trump too as this is essentially a vote for:
… First Amendment and my right to Freedom of Speech.
… Second Amendment and my right to defend myself and my family.
… Continued growth of my retirement and reducing inflation.
… Electoral College and the the Republic in which we live.
… Police, to once again be respected, the Rule of Law, and to ensure Law & Order.
… Continued appointment of Federal Judges who respect the Constitution and Bill of Rights.
… American Jobs and Industry.
… Secure Borders and Legal Immigration.
… Military and Veterans
… Unborn babies that have a right to live.
… Peace in the Middle East.
… Freedom of Religion.
… Fight against Human - Child Trafficking.
… My right to speak my opinion and not be censored.
… Against Lawfare.
… The return of classical - traditional education (Math, English, History, Science).
… The promising future of our Country, to leave a legacy of exceptionalism for future generations.
Lol you people are so incompetent.
Why is it that everyone y'all accused living in a bubble knew what was going to happen but y'all are shocked?
God y'all are so stupid.